Looking for Solutions in a Rapidly Changing HealthCare Environment?
U.S. health care system remains a fragmented and unwieldy structure whose rising costs bear little relation to improvements in access or quality. This is despite the introduction of patient management programs, some restructuring of insurance models and efforts to adjust incentives for decision making all across the care continuum. Innovation in a Changing Health Care Environment is key to be successful for your organization.
RUBY Software: Your Trusted Partner
RUBY has been building technology solutions, including BI (Business Intelligence) systems for the US Healthcare market, our team has immersed in the nuances of EDI rules and have developed a number of products for our clients who are market leaders in this domain. Most of of work involved around creating and ingesting EDI files (837 & 835), Analysing Claims vs Remittance as well as reformatting 835 files to suit different use cases.
We have also build a strong foundation in creating Healthcare BI solutions. Most of the work has been done for our Parent company – RevenueMed, which was a leader in Healthcare “Revenue Cycle Management”?
We are familiar with most of the HIPPA EDI standards, and have build system that ingests these files, such as:
- ACH parsing and loading
- ERA parsing and loading
- HR (Human Readable) version of ACH
- HR (Human Readable) version of ERA
- Custom 835 creation
- 837 creation
If you are looking for a custom software development team with deep health care domain expertise, we will be happy to help out.Contact Us